Que tal mis amigos, los invito a escuchar mi entrevista realizada a, Elena Chavez vocera para la comunidad hispana de Consumer Reports nos comparte importantes consejos para los consumidores que desean aprovechar las ventas especiales del Black Friday o Viernes Negro.

Por aca les comparto este link el cual les ofrece informacion adicional y detalles de lo ya comentado en la entrevista realizada a Elena Chavez,no dejen de visitar esta pagina pues considero que es de gran utilidad.

Feliz Dia de Accion de Gracias y aprovechen de las ofertas del Viernes Negro.

El reconocido Chef James del programa matutino de Telemundo nos comparte deliciosos consejos para esta fechas de fiestas y union familiar.

Hola, que tal mis amigos...recientemente tuve la magnifica oportunidad de conversar con el Chef James, conocido y reconocido por todos pues lo vemos todas las mañanas en el programa de Telemundo Un Nuevo Dia y de verdad que a veces provoca meterle un mordisco a la pantalla del televisor...bueno este talentoso chef venezolano me regalo unos minutos para conversar un poco acerca de sus platos favoritos, recuerdos de su ciudad natal, momentos en familia, consejos para estos dias de fiestas y mucho mas...escucha la entrevista en el link debajo.

 Que tal si sigues al Chef James en Twitter? @ChefJames

Nacido en Los Teques, capital del estado Miranda, Tahhan proviene de una familia numerosa de origen árabe-armenio. Desde una temprana edad pasaba mucho tiempo del día en la cocina junto a sus padres Mimi y Bashir, con los cuales empezó a desarrollar el gusto y atracción por la gastronomía en la que a su vez no paraba de preguntar el “por qué” de todo lo que se hacía durante la preparación de las comidas en casa. 

Tras graduarse participó en una audición para el programa matutino Un nuevo día, de la cadena Telemundo, resultando elegido para el puesto y convirtiéndose más tarde en el chef oficial de la cadena y co-conductor del programa, ganándose el aprecio del público con sus recetas y su carisma. Recientemente, ganó en conjunto con su equipo del programa matutino, el prestigioso premio Emmy. También ha sido invitado por el canal Utilísima para formar parte de uno de sus programas principales: Puro Chef. Participando en la 4.ª y 5.ª temporadas y Thanks Giving Utilísima. Participó en la campaña Healthy Week, una iniciativa de la cadena NBCUniversal, presentándose de esta forma ante el público angloparlante. Hoy sus recetas también recorren internet a través del popular portal Mujer De hoy.

«PIC: 3 indicadores de alto impacto» El nuevo libro de la reconocida autora y conferencista Sonia Gonzalez A.

La destacada conferencista, autora y mentora, Sonia González A., conocida por la serie «Mentoring para Comunicadores Inteligentes», nos descubre valiosas herramientas para mejorar nuestra comunicación personal, profesional y empresarial, en su nuevo libro, «PIC: 3 indicadores de alto impacto». Estos indicadores son: pasión, innovación y coraje.

Mis amigos para mi es un gran placer recomendarles una vez mas un libro de esta reconocida autora, Sonia Gonzalez A. Este es un importante manual que nos brinda excelentes herramientas para triunfar dia a dia.
Disfrutenlo y aprovechenlo al maximo.

Tomando como referencia las fotografías personales —las llamadas selfies— que tanto auge han cobrando en las redes sociales, usa el acrónimo «PIC» para sumergir al lector en cada uno de estos tres indicadores, destacando su importancia para lograr una comunicación no solo efectiva, sino que logre dejar huella, haciendo crecer el nivel de influencia de quien comunica, es decir, potenciando el branding.

«A través de las páginas de este libro, espero empoderarlo por medio de claves y crónicas de la vida que lo llevará a crecer en esos tres indicadores de alto impacto en la comunicación inteligente: pasión, innovación y coraje, como parte de su marca personal», explica SoniaGonzález A. «Sin pasión, no hay comunicación», dice al referirse a esta primera como un valor fundamental en la proyección del mensaje. A la pasión sigue la innovación, de suma importancia en la tecnología, la creatividad, la educación, la vida empresarial y la competencia personal. Finalmente, explica que «la pasión y la innovación no bastan», calificando al coraje como «... definitivo, para ser un comunicador de alto impacto», puesto que «da el sello final a una exposición o a una conversación poderosa».

Además de las interesantes narraciones con las que Sonia los conceptos de «PIC» al inicio de cada capítulo, historias muy humanas, el libro contiene casos de éxito en cuanto a cada uno de los tres indicadores de alto impacto.

Es una eficaz autora, mentora y conferencista que ha logrado el empoderamiento de más de 100.000 líderes como comunicadores de alto impacto. Reconocida a nivel empresarial en el entrenamiento de habilidades y competencias de la comunicación para profesionales de alta gerencia, es presidenta de la plataforma internacional de conferencistas CLIC Mentors. Ha sido asesora de comunicación para América Latina y el Caribe de World Vision International y en ha sido invitada por entidades de los Estados Unidos, en las que ha realizado conferencias y seminarios en grandes convenciones con mucho éxito.

Sicario estará disponible en combo pack Blu-ray (más DVD y HD Digital), DVD (más Digital) y On Demand a partir del 5 de enero


Emily Blunt, Benicio Del Toro y Josh Brolin actúan en el thriller de acción elogiado por la crítica, que se estrenará el 22 de diciembre en HD Digital 
Combo pack Blu-ray, DVD y On Demand disponibles a partir del 5 de enero

Emily Blunt (Edge of Tomorrow), Benicio Del Toro (ganador de un Oscar® como Mejor actor de reparto, Traffic, 2000), Josh Brolin (nominado a un Oscar® como Mejor actor de reparto, Milk,2008) y Victor Garber (Titanic) actúan en este imperdible thriller sobre la guerra contra las drogas: Sicario, que llega en HD 
Digital el 22 de diciembre de la mano de Lionsgate Home Entertainment. 
La película, a la que Rotten Tomatoes le otorgó el sello “Certified Fresh”, estará disponible en combo pack Blu-ray (más DVD y HD Digital), DVD (más Digital) y On Demand a partir del 5 de enero. 
No dejes de agregarla a tu coleccion!

La atrapante producción, que formó parte de la selección oficial del Festival de Cine de Cannes de 2015, cuenta la historia de un grupo que lucha contra el delito en una peligrosa operación transfronteriza para acabar con un jefe de la droga mexicano. 

Del director de Prisoners llega este thriller de tensión, aclamado por la crítica, lleno de suspenso que acelera el pulso, cuyo director de fotografía es el doce veces nominado al Oscar® Roger Deakins. Una idealista agente del FBI (Blunt) es reclutada para trabajar para un oficial de fuerzas especiales (Brolin) cuyo objetivo es atrapar a un señor de la droga, para terminar envuelta en una peligrosa misión que le provoca el cuestionamiento de todas sus convicciones, y un enfrentamiento con su sombrío consejero (Del Toro), que actúa en pos de sus propias y peligrosas motivaciones. 

Los lanzamientos en formato Blu-ray y HD Digital incluyen detalladas entrevistas detrás de cámara a Emily Blunt, Josh Brolin y Benicio Del Toro, y una mirada a la creación del diseño visual de la película de la mano del director Denis Villeneuve. También se muestra el proceso de creación de la banda sonora con el compositor Jóhann Jóhannsson (nominado a un Oscar® a la Mejor banda sonora por The Theory of Everything, 2014), y un debate sobre la investigación del guionista Taylor Sheridan para la escritura del guion. El Blu-ray está codificado en Dolby TrueHD y presenta la pista de audio en Dolby Atmos®, que ofrece un sonido cautivante que ubica y mueve los sonidos en cualquier lugar de la habitación, inclusive en espacios elevados, para que el entretenimiento cobre vida en todo el espacio que rodea al espectador. El combo pack Blu-ray y DVD de Sicario estarán disponibles a los precios de venta sugeridos de $39.99 y $29.95, respectivamente. 

SEGMENTOS ESPECIALES INCLUIDOS EN BLU-RAY/HD DIGITAL* · “Stepping into Darkness: The Visual Design of Sicario”, segmento. · “Blunt, Brolin & Benicio: Portraying the Characters of Sicario”, segmento. · “Battle Zone: The Origins of Sicario”, segmento. · “A Pulse from the Desert: The Score of Sicario”, segmento. 

*Sujetos a cambios

Página web: OwnSicario.com 
Facebook: facebook.com/SicarioMovie 
Twitter: @sicariomovie Instagram: SicarioMovie


Dr. Phillips Center and Publix announce local restaurateur and chef as the first host for the series
Saludos amigos, este sin dudas es un maravilloso evento que no querran perderse, los invito a adquirir sus boletos con anticipacion.
 Dr. Phillips Center for the Performing Arts today announced that John Rivers, 4R Restaurant Group Chef and Owner will host the live performance of Emeril, part of the Publix Chefs at Dr. Phillips Center series.  The first show in the series stars Emeril at 8 p.m. on December 1 and will feature live Q&A, a cooking demonstration and book signings of his latest book, Essential Emeril

As a national TV personality, Emeril Lagasse has hosted more than 2,000 shows on the Food Network, and is the food correspondent for ABC’s Good Morning America. Most recently, Emeril’s Florida entered its third season in January 2015 on the Cooking Channel. Lagasse is the author of 18 bestselling cookbooks including his first, Emeril’s New New Orleans Cooking, which introduced his creative take on Creole cuisine.

Restaurant entrepreneur and head chef of the award-winning 4 Rivers Smokehouse, John Rivers spent two decades traveling the country honing his taste and talent for barbecue. The Jacksonville native and Florida State University business graduate ended a 20-year career in healthcare as president of a billion-dollar company to pursue a passion for helping children through his garage-based Barbecue Ministry — a bold switch fueled by faith and supported by family.

With 10 restaurant locations throughout Florida and plans for continued expansion in 2015, John has received national recognition, having cooked at the James Beard House in New York City and participated four consecutive years in the Food Network South Beach Wine & Food Festival and two years at the Atlanta Food & Wine Festival. Other renowned outlets, including USA Today, Cooking Light, Food & Wine, The Local Palate, Saveur and Paula Deen Magazine have also featured Rivers and the growing 4R brand.

John’s latest restaurant concept, The COOP, has quickly become a neighborhood favorite, with its fresh take on Southern comfort foods. He recently published his first book, The Southern Cowboy cookbook, serves on numerous charity and school boards, and lives in Winter Park, Florida with his wife and two children.

Dr. Phillips Center has partnered with Publix Super Markets to present the 2015-2016 Publix Chefs at Dr. Phillips Center Series, which will showcase a trio of kitchen legends in the Walt Disney Theater. Next in the series is Ina Garten, January 21, 2016 and Guy Fieri, February 11, 2016.

Tickets may be purchased by calling the Dr. Phillips Center Box Office at 844.513.2014 or by visiting the Box Office at 445 Magnolia Avenue, Orlando Monday through Friday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. or Saturday, noon to 4 p.m., or online at drphillipscenter.org. Online and phone ticket purchases include handling fees. For groups of 10 or more, please contact Group Sales at groups@drphillipscenter.org or call 407.455.5550.

Busch Gardens revela mas detalles sobre su proxima atraccion Cobra’s Curse™

Busch Gardens® Tampa provided additional details about the latest thrill ride project coming in 2016, including a detailed model revealed at the International Amusement Parks and Attractions show in Orlando. Cobra’s Curse™ will be the only ride of its kind in the world: a family roller coaster with freely spinning ride vehicles and a 70-foot vertical lift. 

As a special incentive for Florida residents, the new details were revealed as the park is promoting a special offer for advance purchases of the 2016 Fun Card. For the price of a single-day admission, guests who purchase their 2016 Fun Card now also will receive the rest of 2015 free.

Busch Gardens Tampa is Florida’s thrill ride leader,” said Brian Morrow, Busch Gardens’ attraction creative designer. “And, with Cobra’s Curse, we’re expanding the family thrill ride offerings. The multi-directional spins on Cobra’s Curse will provide excitement and fun for guests of all ages.” 

Additional facts on Cobra’s Curse:

1. A unique move on Cobra’s Curse is the “outward-banked turn” that puts riders perilously close to the jaws of the monstrous, 80-foot-tall statue of the snake king Venymyss. This turn can be seen here.

2. Instead of a gradual lift hill, more typical of a traditional coaster, each train is instead lifted vertically, to a height of 70 feet, and the top of the ancient temple.

3. During the three-and-a-half-minute ride, the coaster trains speed along at 40 mph, spinning backward, forward and then freely.

4. Guests will experience a new spin with each ride. Each train spins randomly, with frequency and direction determined by the rider weight distribution.

5. The ride’s setting is a modern day dig site in Egypt, where archeologists have uncovered the legendary temple of the snake king, Venymyss. The ride’s air-conditioned queue line provides a welcome break from the Egyptian heat.

Get a sneak peek of Florida’s newest and most exciting family thrill ride on the Busch Gardens YouTube channel.  Visit CobrasCurse.com for more information. Or, be the first to know about new events, special deals and future announcements by following the park’s blog at buschgardenstampablog.com, or “Like” the Busch Gardens Facebook page and follow @buschgardens on Twitter and Instagram.

El Empire State se ilumina de morado para conmemorar la edición 2015 del Día Mundial del Niño Prematuro.

La imagen del Empire State® es una marca registrada de ESRT Empire State Building, L.L.C. y se usa con el permiso correspondiente.
El Empire State se ilumina de morado para conmemorar la edición 2015 del Día Mundial del Niño Prematuro

La torre del Empire State se iluminará de morado el día de hoy para conmemorar la quinta edición anual del Día Mundial del Niño Prematuro. Grupos de padres y organizaciones de todo el planeta se unen a favor de la concientización sobre el grave problema que representan los nacimientos prematuros. Se calcula que cada año nacen 15 millones de bebés prematuros en el mundo, de los cuales casi un millón muere debido a las complicaciones derivadas de haber nacido antes de tiempo.

The March of Dimes está al frente de la World Prematurity Network, (Red Mundial del Niño Prematuro, WPN), una coalición internacional de grupos de consumidores y padres que colaboran en la tarea de concientizar a la población y evitar los nacimientos prematuros en sus países. Por medio del Día Mundial del Niño Prematuro y otras iniciativas conjuntas, los miembros de la red hacen un llamado a la acción a fin de evitar los alumbramientos prematuros y mejorar la atención brindada a los bebés que nacen antes de tiempo. El año pasado casi 100 países participaron en el Día del Niño Prematuro con la iluminación de edificios y monumentos, eventos al aire libre, peticiones y otras muestras de apoyo.
Obtenga más información sobre cómo ayudar y compartir su preocupación sobre los bebés prematuros en facebook.com/WorldPrematurityDay. Agradecemos especialmente al Empire State por apoyar la edición 2015 del Día Mundial del Niño Prematuro.

The March of Dimes trabaja para mejorar la salud de los bebés mediante la prevención de los defectos de nacimiento, los alumbramientos prematuros y la mortalidad infantil. The March of Dimes es la principal organización no lucrativa en favor de la salud del bebé y durante el embarazo. En marchofdimes.org o nacersano.org encontrará nuestros materiales y la información más reciente. También hay información adicional en prematurityresearch.org. Encuéntrenos en Facebook y Twitter.

Global Resort Homes excelentes casas vacacionales en Orlando y Kissimmee.

Thanksgiving Getaways Made Better by Global Resort Homes 

With Thanksgiving around the corner, it’s not too late to plan a trip to Global Resort Homes. Leave the apron, dishes and all the meal preparation behind, and come to your home away from home and relax. With every new vacation booking of 5 nights or more for this Thanksgiving holiday, receive a Publix Super Markets gift card up to $150 value. This offer is available for the week of November 22-29, 2015. Let Global take care of the turkey and all the fixings this Thanksgiving and enjoy time with your family made better by Global Resort Homes. Book now to receive, call (888) - 521-6615.

Global Resort Homes is your connection for Orlando and Kissimmee vacation home rentals close to Walt Disney World. Choose from unique townhomes, luxurious condos and spacious vacation homes in Orlando, Florida, located within very distinctive resort communities. Enjoy beautiful Orlando and Kissimmee vacation home rentals featuring private screened pools and spas, a family-friendly atmosphere and a variety of recreational activities to suit all ages.

Global Resort Homes is a vacation stay made better for all the fall festivities. Gather around with family and friends and be sure to celebrate a Thanksgiving that will create lasting memories for years to come. 

About Global Resort Homes
Since 1993, Global Resort Homes has been recognized as a trusted and reputable vacation rental management company in Orlando and Kissimmee, serving the Central Florida community. Global only manages in premier resort communities and is able to offer the best in location, amenities and properties. Global Resort Homes’ professional staff maintains and manages the area’s premier network of over 300 Orlando vacation homes. Global’s nine distinctive resort communities include Windsor Hills Resort, Windsor Palms Resort, Reunion Resort, Paradise Palms Resort, Champions Gate Resort, Solterra Resort, Windsor Westside, Storey Lake and Oakwater Resort. For additional information on Global Resort Homes visit www.globalresorthomes.com or call (407) 387-3030.

Disclaimer: Minimum 5 night stay, no other discounts apply. May not be combined with any other offers. New bookings only.  May not be applied to existing reservations. Available for week of 11/22/2015-11/29/2015. $150 gift card for 6 bedrooms plus, $100 gift card on 4-5 bedrooms, $50 gift card on 2-3 bedrooms. 

Miracles From Heaven, una maravillosa historia basada en hechos reales llega a las salas de cine muy pronto.

Dr. Nurko (EUGENIO DERBEZ) hands his Elmo tie to Christy (JENNIFER GARNER) as a memento now that Anna seems to be healed in Columbia Pictures’ MIRACLES FROM HEAVEN.

Miracles From Heaven se basa en la increíble y verdadera historia de la familia Bean cuando Christy (Jennifer Garner) descubre que su hija de 10 años de edad Ana (Kylie Rogers) tiene una enfermedad rara, incurable, se convierte en una feroz defensora para la curación y solucion de la dificil situacion de su hija.
Después de que Anna tiene un extraño accidente y cae tres pisos, un milagro se desarrolla a raíz de su espectacular rescate que deja a toda la comunidad medica perpleja , restaurado la fe de su familia e inspirando a todos a su alrededor...Miracles from Heaven se estrena en cines muy pronto.

SeaWorld Orlando da a conocer su calendario de eventos para el 2016

SeaWorld Orlando Announces Dates for 
2016 Events and Festivals

SeaWorld Orlando released its calendar of events for 2016, announcing dates for next year’s festivals and concerts.

All events, festivals and concerts are included in park admission. Next year’s lineup includes the following exciting, inspiring and family-friendly SeaWorld events:

Wild Days – Saturdays and Sundays, January 16-31

Wild Days connects guests to the wild and wonderful world we all share, with educational and interactive shows that give guests the opportunity to meet leaders in the world of animal rescue, rehabilitation and preservation.

Bands, Brew & BBQ – Saturdays and Sundays, February 13 – March 6

Bands, Brew and BBQ is back for 2016 and sizzling with live concerts and delicious favorites from 
SeaWorld’s restaurants.  In partnership with the USO of Central Florida, the celebration also salutes America’s military.

Praise Wave – Saturdays, March 12-26
With the return of Praise Wave, guests can celebrate Christian fellowship and fun at SeaWorld Orlando. Uplifting, live concerts from the hottest names in faith-based music will light up the stage at Nautilus Theater.

Viva la Música – Saturdays, April 16 & 23 and May 7 & 14

Viva la Música is a fiery Latin music and food festival for the entire family. Guests enjoy hot concerts by popular Hispanic artists and bands, and authentic Latin flavors specially prepared by SeaWorld’s very own executive chef, Hector Colon.

Summer Nights – Every night, June 11 – August 14

As the summer sun goes down, the fun heats up at SeaWorld Orlando. Summer Nights gives families 
and friends the chance to stay in the park for more thrills and
laughs. Nightly festivities feature a high-energy Shamu show, awe-inspiring celebrations and late-night thrills on everyone’s favorite coasters.

Halloween Spooktacular – Saturdays and Sundays, October 1-30

SeaWorld Orlando’s Halloween Spooktacular immerses families in an underwater "fantasea" filled with trick-or-treating, whimsical characters, sea-themed activities and up-close animal encounters that could only come from SeaWorld.

Christmas Celebration – Select Dates in November and December
Waves of holiday spirit splash over SeaWorld Orlando during its Christmas Celebration, where guests can make holiday memories by enjoying live shows, festive shopping and delicious food.

The best way to enjoy all of SeaWorld’s events and festivals throughout 2016 is with an annual pass, starting at only $13 per month with EZpay. Annual passes offer unlimited admission with no black-out dates. They also include free parking and discounts on select food and merchandise. 

For more details and to purchase tickets, visit SeaWorldOrlando.com. 

Follow SeaWorld on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram for the latest news. 
Join the conversation with #SeaWorld.

**Event dates and times are subject to change and/or cancellation without notice. Additional charges apply to all food items. Seating capacity for each concert or event is limited and on a first-come, first-served basis. Other restrictions may apply. For more information, visit SeaWorldOrlando.com.

Artegon Marketplace se prepara para una gran celebracion con motivo de su primer aniversario.

Artegon Marketplace has unveiled a week-long line-up of free admission festivities and amped up signature events to celebrate its first anniversary and transformation into Orlando’s most eclectic, diverse and truly original shopping, culinary and entertaining destination.  Artegon’s Anti-Ordinary First Anniversary Spectacular kicks off on Monday, November 16 with a free wine stroll and tasting of more than 10 varieties of vino with a special guest appearance by one of the Real Housewives of New Jersey; continues nightly with special events for every age, from a movie night to family food truck rally; and culminates on Saturday, November 21 with a free live concert hosted by Orlando hometown favorite, Joey Fatone from the legendary boyband N’SYNC. Here’s the week’s line-up; pop the champagne and let’s get this party started!

MONDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 6-9 P.M.    Sip.  Stroll.  Shop. 
Cheers to Artegon’s anniversary!! During this signature event, Wine Stroll guests will meander by wine tasting stations scattered throughout the entire center. Shoppers can sample more than 10 varieties paired with bite-sized morsels that perfectly enhance each wine – all for free (while supplies last). Sip and stroll through the center while enjoying live Jazz and Flamenco music. As you’re sauntering from station to station, you might just bump into New Jersey Housewife Melissa Gorga! Be among the first 150 shoppers in line at the anniversary edition of the Wine Stroll and receive a commemorative Artegon-embossed stemless wine glass. Do a little shopping. Earn free movie tickets.  See you Monday.

The ARTegon Co-op is popping up at Artegon Marketplace.  6-9 P.M. An anti-ordinary art-oriented pop-up shop is celebrating its arrival at Artegon through an Opening Gala, spearheaded by Orlando’s own Justin Skip Skipper and Chris Tobar Rodriguez. Opening festivities involve appetizing foods and bubbly drinks (while supplies last) plus live music by DJ BMF.  Join the celebration of #AntiOrdinary #art #cooppopupshop

TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 5-7 P.M.    The Art of Beer 
Craft beers have tapped into America’s love of suds. The celebration continues on Tuesday with the anniversary edition of The Art of Beer. Sample and savor more than 10 styles of Florida craft beers (while supplies last). The first 150 guests in attendance will enjoy their brewskis from a commemorative Artegon-embossed glass mug. Use the mug to try out one, three or all 10 of the craft beers. What else goes well with beer? Food and music! Enjoy discounted meals from Artegon food vendors while kicking back to the Smoking Torpedoes. Real Radio 104.1 talk show host favorite Dirty Jim will make an appearance and give away prizes to local loyal fans. And that’s not all. Former Orlando Magic basketball player Nick Anderson will be there. See you Tuesday. 

WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 6:30-10:30 P.M.    The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 2
Come watch the most eagerly awaited movie of the year and celebrate the Cinemark Theatre’s renovation at Artegon Marketplace. Check out The Hunger Games: Mockingjay: Part 2 at Cinemark Artegon. Let the battle commence on an extra-large, ceiling-to-ceiling screen with custom sound, all in the comfort of stadium seating. Stay tuned to see how you can win tickets to a sneak preview of The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 2 before the entire country sees it. (Attendance limited to contest winners.) Visit www.Artegon.com for details.) See you Wednesday.

THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 11 A.M. – 8 P.M.    Prize Day, All Day
As a “Thank You” to everyone who’s made Artegon Marketplace the area’s most eclectic, diverse and truly original shopping, culinary and entertaining venue, the center is giving away prizes every hour on the hour from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. to lucky shoppers. Prizes include gift cards to a number of Artegon’s new retailers and artisans, free meals at the center’s eateries, free movie passes – and other unexpected surprises throughout the day. In order to win the prizes, shoppers must be present.  See you Thursday.

FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 5-9 P.M.    Food Truck Family Night
Bring the entire family to Food Truck Family Night on Friday and taste the offerings of local gourmet food trucks, with selections cooked fresh right on the spot. Shoppers who spend $20 or more during the event will receive a $5 Food Truck Buck to spend at any food truck of their choice that evening. Enjoy meet-and-greet opportunities with mascots UCF’s Knightro, Solar Bears’ Shades, Orlando Magic’s Stuff, three Orlando Predators dancers, and Orlando City’s street team. See you Friday.

SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 11. A.M. - 9 P.M.    Artegon’s Festival of Music
The grand finale of Artegon’s Anti-Ordinary Anniversary Week Spectacular is Artegon’s Festival of Music, including all-time favorites and up-and-coming recording artists and entertainers. The entire community is invited to experience the stylings of the following recording superstars and entertainers at this free concert. The celebration kicks off at 11 a.m. with local entertainers, followed by a DJ getting everyone into the groove at 4 p.m. and headliners at 5 p.m. Sample from a variety of food trucks presented by Food Truck Crazy. Shoppers who spend $20 or more during the event will receive a $5 Food Truck Buck to spend at any food truck of their choice that evening. Meet and greets with select artists will be available. Check out Artegon Marketplace’s website and Facebook events page for dates, times and details.  See you Saturday.

Samantha Mumba is an Irish singer and actress whose hit single Gotta Tell You reached the Top 10 in the United States, United Kingdom, and Ireland in 2000.  Her album Gotta Tell You stayed on the charts for six months and is certified platinum with a total of four million copies sold to date. Mumba enjoyed five more Top 10 hits in the UK and her song Baby, Come Over peaked at 50 on the US charts.

Judy Torres is known as “The Queen of Freestyle.” She scored club hits with songs such as Please Stay Tonight, Come into My Arms, Love Story, I Love You, Will You Love Me, No Reason to Cry, and chart- topping remake of Journey’s Faithfully. Torres has performed non-stop to sold out crowds since the release of her first single in 1987. In 1998, Torres joined iHeart Radio’s 103.5 FM KTU in New York as an on-air personality.

Aaron Carter came to fame very early in life at the age of seven and released his first self-titled debut album at the age of 10. He was one the biggest teenage heart throbs in the late 1990’s and in the early 2000’s. Carter’s second album Aaron’s Party (Come Get It) put him on the map, selling 1.5 million copies. He is set to release new music in early 2016. In addition, Carter has recently starred in the Broadway classic Fantasticks, and competed on Dancing with the Stars.

This Orlando-based band consists of three brothers: Connor, 21 (vocals/guitar); Riley, 19, (lead vocals); and Toby, 17, (vocals, guitar).  They caught the attention of the legendary music manager Johnny Wright, who signed the group. Wright also manages Justin Timberlake and many others. BYE was named the winners of the Macy’s iHeart Radio Rising Star campaign, and performed at the 2014 Macy’s Thanksgiving Day parade.  BYE has had three hit singles on the Radio Disney charts.

Part of the hip hop duo with DJ E-Z Rock, Rob Base is most famous for his hit single It Takes two.  This song was a Top 40 hit and became platinum, along with their album. They were also known for being pioneers of the crossover success that rap music would have in the popular music mainstream.

Best known as a member of the legendary boyband N’SYNC, Joey Fatone’s current hosting gigs include the announcer on Family Feud; Food Network’s Rewrapped; and Live Well Network’s My Family Recipe Rocks. Joey is also guest host of the live version of The Price is Right in Las Vegas.

Check back frequently at Artegon Marketplace’s website and Facebook events page for updates on all anniversary week events dates, times and locations. Talent appearances subject to change without notice.

The Letters pronto en cines y basada en hechos reales sobre la vida de la Madre Teresa.

 MOTHER TERESA, recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize, is considered one of the greatest humanitarians of modern times. Her selfless commitment changed hearts, lives and inspired millions throughout the world. 

 THE LETTERS, as told through personal letters she wrote over the last 40 years of her life, reveal a troubled and vulnerable women who grew to feel an isolation and an abandonment by God. The story is told from the point of view of a Vatican priest charged with the task of investigating acts and events following her death. He recounts her life’s work, her political oppression, her religious zeal and her unbreakable spirit. Written and directed by William Riead, THE LETTERS stars the acclaimed four-time BAFTA nominated British Actress Juliet Stevenson as Mother Theresa in a transformational performance that spans over 50 years, Academy Award Nominee Max Van Sydow and Golden Globe nominee Rutger Hauer. 

The film was executive produced by Corky Barton and Lourden Saks and produced by William Riead, Lisa Riead and Tony Cordeaux. A CinemaWest and Riead Production Corporation Production, The LETTERS will be released by Freestyle Releasing Dec 4, 2015 nationwide. 
The film is rated PG. 

 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheLettersMovie 
Twitter: https://twitter.com/thelettersmovie
 Instagram: https://instagram.com/thelettersmovie

Disney•Pixar's “Finding Dory” Pronto en cines.

Mis amigos, con gran emocion les anuncio que muy pronto se estrena esta nueva historia de Disney•Pixar y estoy seguro que sera del agrado de toda la familia asi que pendientes a mas detalles.

Disney•Pixar's “Finding Dory” reunites everyone’s favorite forgetful blue tang, Dory, with her friends Nemo and Marlin on a search for answers about her past. What can she remember? Who are her parents? And where did she learn to speak Whale?

Directed by Andrew Stanton (“Finding Nemo,” “WALL•E”) and produced by Lindsey Collins (co-producer “WALL•E”), the film features the voices of Ellen DeGeneres, Albert Brooks, Ed O'Neill, Kaitlin Olson, Ty Burrell, Eugene Levy and Diane Keaton.  “Finding Dory” swims into theaters June 17, 2016

Disney•Pixar's “Finding Dory” reunites everyone’s favorite forgetful blue tang, Dory, with her friends Nemo and Marlin on a search for answers about her past.

Like us on Facebook:                      https://www.facebook.com/
Follow us on Twitter:                     https://twitter.com/FindingDory 
Follow us on Instagram:                https://instagram.com/DisneyPixar

En el mes nacional de la diabetes LUBRIDERM® nos comparte importantes consejos para cuidar la piel.

 Saludos amigos, una vez mas me contenta poder compartir con ustedes estos importantes consejos de parte de la Dra. Maria Patricia Rivas vocera de la reconocida marca para el cuidado de la piel Lubriderm.
Utiliza los hashtags, 

Participa en el sorteo de tres lociones LUBRIDERM® Intense Skin envia un correo a: axelantonioperez@gmail.com y comparte tus experiencias usando los productos Lubriderm

Reglas del Concurso.
Un ganador por familia
Valido hasta agota existencias
Termina Nov 24 2015

Sobre la Dra. Maria Patricia Rivas:
La Dra. Rivas es una dermatóloga Hispana certificada por la junta con sede en Miami, FL. Ella es un miembro activo de la Academia Americana de Dermatología, recibió su doctorado en medicina en la Universidad Central de Venezuela e hizo su residencia en la Universidad de Miami – Hospital Jackson Memorial.  

RAGÚ® SPICY ITALIAN STYLE SAUCE La nueva salsa picante de RAGÚ® al estilo italiano llevará el fuego a tus comidas.

R&B FOODS PRESENTA RAGÚ® SPICY ITALIAN STYLE SAUCE La nueva salsa picante de RAGÚ® al estilo italiano llevará el fuego a las comidas

A medida que el aire fresco de otoño hace su debut, una ola de calor llega a las mesas de comer por todo el país. Hoy, R&B Foods anunció el lanzamiento de RAGÚ® Spicy Italian Style Sauce, una salsa picante al estilo italiano ya que la demanda por sabores más aventureros ha subido. La comida picante es una preferida y esta nueva interpretación llena de sabor es el complemento perfecto para llevarle fuego a la cena de un modo que toda la familia podrá disfrutar.

"A nuestros consumidores, les encanta poder disfrutar de una variedad amplia de sabores únicos y buscan oportunidades para introducir sabores interesantes a sus familias," dijo Colleen Nash, gerente de marca senior de R&B Foods. "Nos orgullece poder ofrecer soluciones rápidas, fáciles y, sobre todo, sabrosas a la hora de comer. Así que estamos muy contentos de poder anunciar esta nueva adición a la línea de salsas deliciosa de RAGÚ®.”

RAGÚ® Spicy Italian Style Sauce les encantará a las personas que prefieran un toque de picante en sus comidas. Está hecha con tomates 100 por ciento cultivados en California, pimientos rojos y hojuelas de pimienta roja, ingredientes que agregarán el sabor ideal a cualquier platillo. Un estudio reciente de Kalsec encontró que 80 por ciento de los consumidores disfrutan de la comida picante y 73 por ciento prefieren que la cena incluya comidas picantes. RAGÚ® Spicy Italian Style Sauce ofrecerá una manera divertida para añadir un poquito de fuego a las comidas, convirtiéndola en la opción perfecta para cenas que toda la familia disfrutará como pollo picante en pasta o quesadillas picantes vegetarianas.

"RAGÚ® Spicy Italian Style Sauce, la nueva salsa picante al estilo italiano, no tiene sabores artificiales, colorantes artificiales, ni jarabe de maíz de alta fructosa,” dijo Nash. "Estamos orgullosos de siempre poder ofrecerles a nuestros consumidores salsas deliciosas y saludables, al igual como poder agregar nuevas interpretaciones a una marca de salsa muy querida, que ha sidoHecha con pasión. Cocinada con tradición.’ por casi 80 años."

RAGÚ® Spicy Italian Style Sauce está disponible en tiendas selectas por todo el país a un precio sugerido de $2.09-$2.49. Para recetas deliciosas utilizando la nueva salsa picante al estilo italiano, visite www.Ragu.com.

Por aca les comparto una rica recetaa de parte de mis amigos de Ragu

Spicy Braised Chicken and Penne
Prep Time: 10 minutes     Cook Time: 20 minutes     
2 T olive oil
1 ¼ lbs boneless skinless chicken thighs, seasoned with salt and pepper if desired
1 ½ cups red and/or green pepper, sliced into strips
1 medium onion, sliced
1 jar (1 lb. 8 oz.)  Ragu® Spicy Italian Sauce
8 oz Penne, cooked & drained
Heat olive oil in deep 12-inch skillet over medium-high heat and brown chicken. Remove chicken to paper towel-lined plate. Cook peppers and onions in same skillet, stirring occasionally, 3 minutes. Stir in Sauce. Return chicken to skillet. Bring to a boil, reduce heat, cover and simmer over medium-low heat 15 minutes or until chicken is thoroughly cooked. 
Serve garnished with grated parmesan cheese, if desired.
*Tip – If using bone-in chicken thighs, increase simmer time by 10 minutes or until chicken is thoroughly  cooked.
Acerca de la marca RAGÚ®
La marca RAGÚ® fue fundada en 1937 por Assunta Cantisano quien originalmente la vendió desde su porche en Rochester, Nueva York. Assunta trajo la receta de su familia con ella desde Italia cuando emigró a Nueva York en 1914 y ahora familias estadounidenses han disfrutado de su receta por casi 80 años. Con una selección amplia de salsas desde
Old-World Style a Meat Creations y Orgánic, la salsa RAGÚ® siempre estaHecha con pasión. Cocinada con tradición.”  Hoy en día, RAGÚ® es la salsa para pasta para familias que se reúnen a compartir una comida rápida y deliciosa. Para enterarse de noticias, recetas y más de la marca RAGÚ®, por favor consulte la marca en www.Ragu.com o sígalos en Facebook, Twitter y Pinterest.