El Cirque du Soleil en Disney Springs ofrece descuentos para empleados del servicio de respuesta rapida, bomberos, policias y personal de emergencias y rescate.

La Nouba by Cirque du Soleil announces savings for Florida’s first responders

El Cirque du Soleil en Disney Springs ofrece descuentos para empleados del departamento de bomberos, policia, y todo el personal de respuesta medica rapida  y rescate ahorros de hasta un 39% en la sección de asientos categoria 2 desde ahora hasta el 16 de diciembre.

As a thank you to those who keep Florida safe, La Nouba by Cirque du Soleil is offering first responders (Florida police, firefighters and emergency medical service personnel) tickets at 39 percent savings on Category 2 tickets for themselves and up to five (5) guests per show. With the discount, tickets for first responders are $49.
Florida first responders can visit the La Nouba box office to take advantage of the savings. Offer is valid for Category 2 tickets. Florida emergency responder personnel ID required. The first responder offer is available for sale now for shows running through Dec. 16.

For more information about La Nouba, visit www.lanouba.com.

La Nouba
A door opens and two worlds collide. Enter the attic of make-believe, where the mundane meets the marvellous. Dreams and nightmares intertwine. La Nouba which calls on both individual and collective memory, is an unforgettable journey into a world at once threatening and exhilarating, frightening and familiar. La Nouba beckons to us, challenges us to uncover passions we thought we had lost long ago; to frolic in our childhood dreams and enter a place where the extraordinary transforms and overcomes the ordinary.

La Nouba is the meeting of two worlds poles apart: the fantastic world of the circus artists - the Cirques (circus people), sporting bright, fluorescent colours–and that of the Urbains (urbanites), who wear dark, monochromatic outfits. When these two worlds first make contact, the magic and amazing feats of the one set fire to the pale mundanity of the other.

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